I am Claire Déchamps, a specialist in Pricing, Market Access and Business within the pharma industry, biotech, healthtech and life science consulting where I held various senior positions at Local, Regional and Global levels. After more than 20 years of in-house experience, I took the dive in 2020 and created AccessMinds.
AccessMinds is born out of an observation: senior leaders juggle daily between meetings, solicitations, and corporate obligations. This constant race against the clock means they can no longer fully devote themselves to strategic P&MA activities and the development of their teams. With AccessMinds, my mission is to free up time for clients by sharing my expertise, competencies, and network.
Bright, full of energy and intuitive, I stay true to my convictions and I am guided by values close to my heart: pragmatism, kindness and authenticity. I never compromise on the quality of my deliverables and put sincere collaborations first. Serious in my approach, I know how not to take myself seriously, creating a sparkling partnership that clients appreciate.
Based out of Paris, my ambition is to give back leaders worldwide control of their agendas by supporting them in their P&MA challenges so they can prioritise activities that matter for their careers and teams and that make a real difference to the lives of patients.
Want to know more about AccessMinds? Contact me at [email protected]